Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Bonkety Bonk

My good friend Bonker was in town. It had been awhile since I had last seen him. We had some great time talking, praying, and hanging out together. He even read some Puritan works to Chase at my coffeshop. Yes, it was a little strange for some of the customers as they walk in and hear words like predestination, election, covenantal love, and the like being read to a young child. But hey, wouldn't the world be a better place if this type of thing happened more often.

Bonker is headed off to a month long internship in Alabama, then some support raising, and then Southeast Asia. We got in some training by going on a 9-mile hike. You can see some of the pictures below.

Bull Creek - Florida Trail (northern section), Crabgrass Cemetery Road, and hunting road - Widget powered by: EveryTrail

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Hey everyone...Chase here, this is my first post and an important one. I wanted to tell everyone what a great mother I have, it being Mother's Day and all. I really am a blessed newbie to have such a great mom. Here are just a few things she does: Mom is great at cleaning me up when I get dirty, which is often, she scrubs me at bath time, wipes my face after I eat (I'm a messy eater, what can I say), cleans my diaper which always seems to get wet. Mom also gets rid of my belly ache after food time with an amazing tap tap tap my back remedy. Even when I give her a hard time and scream my little head off, she is always there to pick me up, comfort me with sweet words and rock me until I calm down. I really do love her a lot, and I wish I could tell her with some poetic words, but alas my words never come out as I want them too. Maybe in a few years. Thanks again Mom for being so sweet, there is no where I'd rather be than in your arms.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Freedom from captivity!!

Here is a video of Zoe after 4 weeks captivity (since she has been living in our kitchen upon baby Chase's arrival). Needless to say, she's excited to be free! In fact, she forgot what grass looks like.