Monday, June 21, 2010

Who does Sophie look like, you ask?

Many people have asked us who we think Sophie looks like. As a newborn, it's pretty hard to tell since babies' features change so quickly. Almost daily. But am still convinced Sophie looks most like her brother when he was born.

Sophie stretched out in bed

Chase stretched out in bed

Sophie with her soothie paci

Chase with his soothie paci

Sophie's chubby cheeks

Chase's chubby cheeks

Sophie looking at Grammy B

Chase looking at Grammy B

Sophie wide awake

Chase wide awake

After looking back through pictures, I'm thankful that they are dated b/c I might have trouble distinguishing which baby is which later in life!

I think the most distinctive differences are:

  • Their skin coloring (Sophie came out purplish and is still paler than Chase who came out a little jaundiced which made him look tan).
  • Their hair (even though their hair probably looks identical in pictures, Sophie's is already long enough that it is spiraling so I think she will have fairly curly hair early on. Chase's curls didn't come til much later when his hair turned golden brown. Her hair almost looks black and I think Chase's started out just dark brown.)
  • Their Fingers/Hands/Feet/Toes (Sophie is a lot skinnier and longer than I remember Chase being. The pictures don't really do justice to how thin she is.)
  • Their ears ( Chase def has my long Indian lobes and Sophie's ears look smaller.)
What do you think?


Tabitha said...

I think there is TOO much adorableness going on at your house!! :) And I also think they look identical as babies. Super cute!! Can't wait to meet Miss Sophie!! Hugs to you all!

Naomi said...

I thought she looked like Chase when you put up the last post. But, I wasn't sure. I was going to go back and look at his pictures. Now that you put them up together, my suspicions have been confirmed. You guys make beautiful kids. You might as well just keep having them. The world will thank you. :)

Becky Swann said...

Oh they really do look alike! Sooo cute!! Sophie has girlier lips:) So I guess that is good!

Paul Glenn said...

Amazingly similar!
Both cute of course.

Briana said...

oh my goodness they are twins! which is great because that means she'll still be a cutie like her brother when she's older! yipppee