Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Krisha Crafts

I thought I would dote on my talented wife for a bit. She recently made some fun crafts. I only took a picture of one of them, but we had a fun time making them together. Krisha definitely did the majority of the work, including the cool paint job and decoration. I installed the hardware. Go Team Whited!!! Thanks to Tabitha Lookabill for the inspiration.

Also, we got a new camera because I seem to have misplaced the other one. So, yay to having pictures again.

dote = to bestow or express excessive love or fondness habitually


Krisha said...

Aww thanks sweety. Go team Whited.

Tabitha said...

Yeah!! Good job on your "framed jewelry" project! I love the added place for necklaces... great addition, Krisha!