Thursday, March 04, 2010


Chase in the past couple days has added some words to his communication:

"cheeeeese, " "ouchee," (for when something hurts), "ooh baby", "wawa" (for water), and what sounds like my commonly-used expression"allrighhhht"; and he just started signing "eat," "drink," and "milk." This may seem like small progress since I've literally being saying these words and signing them since he was about 6 months old, but for those that know my son, he takes his time and chooses when he wants to introduce a new word to his vocabulary.

His faves are still "all done" and "hot!" "oh nooo!" He continues to ramble his normal "mama", "dada," "zee-zee" (for Zoe), and "car."
Chase and daddy

And here are some pix of my nephew for funsies!

My mom holding baby Asher

How CUTE is my nephew?!

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