Here are some Sophie facts:
Other aliases: Sophilicious, Miss Sophie, spit-up-queen, Baby Soap-ee (per Chase; he graduated from his original "baby Bo-pee")
Age: 6. 5 months old
Length: Really long (so that she needs 9 months clothes in length)
Weight: 15 lb 5 oz (really skinny so that everything long enough to fit her falls off her waist)
Face: still has the chubbiest cheeks and several chins
Eyes: very blue
Likes: scooching (very fast) across the room to get Chase's toys or computer cords, rocking on her knees, smiling at people, baths, the exersaucer, sleeping with her bum up in the air, sucking her middle fingers, watching Zoe through the baby gate, eating rice cereal, facesucking and using her hands to swat and scratch things, wiggling out of her pants
Dislikes: her baby toys like rattles (b/c they are too boring for a woman on the go and toys with small parts are much more interesting!), nursing/being burped, diaper changes, sleeping through the night (all very unfortunate for mommy as these comprise the majority of her day!)
Her BFF's: Chase of course, baby Eli, and baby Josh
Random stats: irresistibly kissable cheeks, very responsive baby, loves to smile at people, no teeth as of yet, just beginning to get a little bit of chunk in her thighs, has constant rashes (not sure if food allergies or eczema), went from sleeping through the night at 6 weeks to waking up now several times a night since she began rolling over, sometimes will take a bottle of formula (but usually only if daddy gives it), does well in her carseat and will stay in it a long while when she's content, generally very happy baby but also less predictable/routined than Chase, hair is a medium brown and has a little bit of curl to it
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