Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Splash Valley!

Here are some pix from our trip with our friends to Splash Valley, a.k.a. Chase's favorite place in the world!

Can you tell who is related? Or did you not know I had a third kid? Ha!Ha! Doesn't Jaden just fit right in with our family? In fact, I think here he might look more like Sophie b/c of the curly hair than Chase! Just in case you are still confused it's : Chase, Sophie, Jaden.

Sophie decided to lay down on the towel with the big girls since we were sunbathing.

Still has those cheekies, going on 2.

This is me around Sophie's age. Same curly up-do. Same squinty smile. Can't you tell I'm just a spunky little squirt by this photo?

1 comment:

Naomi said...

I love little kid pictures of you! You were the cutest little girl. I see a lot of Chase in you when you were 2.